Sunday, May 31, 2009

I passed!!

Less than a year-and-a-half after making candidate as a Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor, my theory position papers -- one of the biggest hurdles in the process for full certification as an educator of chaplains and other spiritual caregivers -- have been approved by a committee of three APCE supervisors!

I am truly overjoyed to have reached this milestone: much of my time and energy over the last year went into writing these now-approved papers, and it is an especially joyful thing to have learned this weekend that they have been approved -- on Monday I begin supervising my second summer unit (I have six wonderful chaplain students coming to spend 11 intensive full-time weeks with us!). Knowing the papers are behind me means I will be able to focus my energies fully on my new students and their learning.

I am especially proud that my papers were approved on the first submission, and that the committee did not think they needed any revisions.

1 comment:

Gail said...


Where are you???