Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My (quick) bio

My name is Alan Abrams. I am a Resident Chaplain at the Reading Hospital in Reading, PA, where I try to be part of bringing healing to the suffering through love, compassion, Torah, understanding and guidance. I became a rabbi in 2004 at the University of Judaism. I have a Talmud MA from the Jewish Theological Seminary. I abhor injustice. I believe in the potential of people. I know they are made in the Image of God, and I believe in the Awesomeness of God's Presence and Glory. We can search for that Glory in three places -- in the Torah (Holy texts), in nature (the world that God made) and in other people. Glimpses of God can be found in the interactions between them. In the hospital I see much that is difficult -- much ugliness and suffering. Much pain and blood and death. But all that is overshadowed by what I see happen between the people. God's Glory is there in the love I see they can show for one another. It is there in the caring that they show around illness and death. Sometimes a person talking to me suddenly looks up and says, "you have a hard job". And, in those moments, my heart says, "yes, I do have a hard job. But it is a privilege to be here in this place. I get to see God here. Thank, you, for allowing me to be here in this trying moment for you. And for giving me a chance to see a piece of what is Holy in you. I hope you will have some peace when you leave this place and that I may have been able to play some small role in your finding your way to it."

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